Tuesday 31 March 2015

Domestic Violence and Why it Must Never Happen

Studies reveal that one out of 3 women around the world has been abused at least once in her lifetime and most often, the abuser is a member of her own family. As domestic violence has become a common existence in the society, it has been accepted normally by many people. And, the commonness of these activities shows that domestic violence is a very crucial issue and requires a serious attention today.

Domestic violence defined

Generally, domestic violence is associated with physical abusive actions that a person does towards a partner such a slapping, choking and hitting. But, this term also refers to abuse that have several other worst actions that can cause emotional, physical, mental, sexual or financial injury to a person. Humiliation and putting the partner is a form of domestic violence because they might be emotionally and psychologically destructive to the victim.

Busting myths

You know that the fights are normal in a relationship. And due to these fights, the bond between two people becomes stronger. But if these fights cause injury or any worst condition like death of another person, they are not acceptable and need an immediate action.


This can happen with any couple who are in any kind of intimate relationship. It has been seen that generally the women are the victims and this can be vice-versa too in some cases.

Effects on children

Children who encounter violence at home may pretend that whatever is happening in the family isn’t affecting them. But sadly it is. These children feel neglected and are sometimes abused too. The abuse these children have experienced in a very small age may have long-term effects.

It has been seen that these children have very low self-esteem, confidence and respond late to things. They face difficulty at school and studies, they are never comfortable while interacting with a new person. Young adults and have faced abuse, they seem to be violent and exhibit rebellious behavior.

What should be done?

Domestic violence can make anyone its victim, from any religion, race, age, culture and gender. The abusers hold low self-esteem, and resort to harmful actions in order to control their partners or families. So, the best solution to stop domestic violence is “leave”. But, there are many victims who do not do this because they are dependant on the abuser in one way or the other. Victims who have families choose to leave to keep the family complete.

So, my dear friends, if you are a victim and are having a difficulty in leaving your home, then do not hesitate to tell your friends and family members about what is happening with you. Speak up, take some actions and even call the police, if the need be. You are not meant to be beaten or abused by someone, you are meant to be loved and cared for. So, raise your voice today and find the real you.

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